Memories - CANYOUDAP

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UK’s monarch Queen Elizabeth II
Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor took her first breath on April 21, 1926. Little did the world know that this adorable bundle of joy would ascend to the throne. On February 06,1952 she would be crowned Queen Elizabeth II. She did not want to be just a figure head title. Queen Elizabeth II made a commitment to devote her life to public service and the public eye. Through all life challenges she served with honor, grace and respect. On September 08,2022 she relinquished her service to RIP.   
Betty White
Betty Marion White born January 17, 1922 her smile will live on. We all may feel the comfort of her smile around us she made her departure on December 31, 2021 RIP Betty.  
Colin Powell
Colin Luther Powell born April 05,1937. We salute you for your call to duty and now it has come to an honorable end. October 18, 2021 RIP Mr. Powell
The Black Mamba
I sit here trying to come to terms with the death of Mr. Bryant. I see him for what I believe he was, a son, a brother, a husband, a father, a Basketball Legend and most of all a remarkable human being. I believe in order to truly see who he was we must take a step back and if we step back far enough, we will be able to discern the man. I don’t want to start this out with writing of Mr. Bryant NBA Championships wins or his business achievements. I want to go further back to August 23, 1978 when he was just a new born. His story began as most do, as an infant. History sees his birth in 1978 and his end 2020. We should see 1978 and beyond.  Kobe learnt to crawl before he walked just like any other child. He found joy playing with friends and eating ice cream. You see he was just like us.  Kobe was remarkable because he wanted to be just like us. Kobe wanted our youth to know that mistakes may happen and that he made a few but his mistakes weren’t who he was. Kobe had written his story long before any journalist. You see Kobe could be seen kneeling down speaking to our youth at their level explaining to them how hard work pays off. But also reminding our youth that acknowledgement maybe awarded differently than one may have perceived. He taught us that rewards come from within not from Championships or Medals. If a person has given their all then there could be no greater reward than self-accomplishment.
Mr. Bryant was born August 23,1978 and his tragic death January 26, 2020 may have ended his life but Kobe Bryant the man will live beyond his death. Kobe was/is The Black Mamba.
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